Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Next Session

How does Tuesday 8/24 or Thursday 8/26 work for everyone for out next meeting?


Riley said...

It looks like either date is open right now. If I can't drive down, I'll at least be able to Skype in if that's all right.

Matt Fox said...

Heather and I can do either date.

Erth said...

I'll have to pass on weeknights, unfortunately.

post festum said...

I could make Thursday the 26th with ease. Tuesday the 24th would work but would cost me more. Don't get me wrong, I'd gladly pay the higher price if it enables more folks to play.

Riley said...

Welcome back, everybody. Hope your vacations went well.

Julia said...

I am free either evening, but I think I'll prefer Thursday (as Bat suggested in person, although I don't see his reply here yet).


Batman 1970 said...

Howdy Y'all,

Sorry I'm so late reporting in! Thursday is definitely good for me. I'll be a bit late (probably between 7-8) due to a family commitment. Tuesday is ABSOLUTELY out.

Can't wait to get together with all of you again.

Batman 1970 said...

Woops, sorry -- I meant ALMOST all of you -- we'll miss you Erth!

Ironbeard said...

OK then. Thursday it is. Cannot wait.

Riley said...

Right now, I'm planning on driving in for the event, assuming that Carl's couch is available. If that changes, I should still be able to play by Skype. We have much to talk about what the hell the great sage had to say. I'm lost as to what it means as a guide for what we should do.

Ironbeard said...

The couch is yours.

Matt Fox said...

Heather and I will be happy to host.

Matt Fox said...

What time do you want to start? 6 PM?

Riley said...

6p is good with me.

post festum said...

Thanks for hosting, H&M. 6pm works for me as well.

@Andy: Since this is a busy week for the dm and no post-session summary is likely pre-game, care to get the ball rolling with your memory of Sal-Tus' revelations? We went so late into the wee hours that I must confess I'm not sure I remember every detail we learned.

Riley said...

Here are the main points as near as I can remember. Malfazzar--the word in the margins of the text about the Tower--was an old Elvish word for Malfane, probably referring to Pits of Malfane which is a plane of existence, possibly a sentient hell, that's an embodiment of chaos and evil. It exists of nothing but endless passageways, stairways, and traps meant to destroy wandering explorers.

Zorander, the person associated with the Tower that disappeared, was a powerful wizard who specialized in planar travel magics. Supposedly, he opened a door to Malfane and ended up creating a planar rift that might explain the Towers disappearance.

This does a lot to explain the dungeon and its seemingly endless mazes under the Tower, assuming we've been venturing in Malfane. Not sure what that means for the scary merchant who lives down there. Also not sure what that means for what we are doing down in the dungeon if it's meant as a way to trap and kill people just like us. Does anyone remember anything differently or more?

I also wanted to remind everyone of the other exploration opportunity we learned about: The Grinding Gear. It is a test or a trap depending on how you look at it for adventurers which promises great reward at great risk. I'm curious about it myself. Thoughts?

Julia said...

Unfortunately it looks like I won't be able to join you this evening. Some things have come up that aren't leaving a lot of extra energy for playing and creativity, and I think it's best if I stay home and get to bed early.

My apologies....

Batman 1970 said...

No apologies necessary Julia! I just hope you're able to get whatever done so that you can join us next time. We'll try to be the same party (basically) that you last had contact with when you return!


Thanks for the recap. I had forgotten some of that; but you forgot the most intriguing part of that conversation -- the old man's vitality and the three gorgeous young women who eagerly partook of said vitality!

See you tonight (though I'll be a bit late).

Riley said...

It wasn't forgetting as much as repressing, Jay. Thanks for the fun evening, everyone. Felt like we have a good party going now, as long as we avoid stirges. Bow your head for Wulfgar. *sigh*

Matt Fox said...

It would have been better to have gone down in combat with a dragon or arch-demon, but stirges will have to do. It was an honorable death, nonetheless.

post festum said...

Thanks for the good time, everyone and for hosting us so late, Heather and Matt. And thanks for making the drive, Andy. Great fun as always.

So you were both definitely missed, Paul and Julia!

Matt Fox said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Batman 1970 said...

Hello everyone,

As you know, I'm up for playing as soon as possible!

I thought all of you might be interested in the following website: http://www.dragonsfoot.org/

Specifically, I thought the DMs among us would appreciate the following DM 1st edition 8-panel screen. Talk about a geek-fest! In fact, the last two pages of the document are step-by-step instructions for constructing the screen. Enjoy!